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Our Why

The Colorado Death Industry has victimized thousands of people...

800+ Sunset Mesa victims whose bodies were dismembered and sold without permission or knowledge of the families. 190 Return to Nature victims left to decompose in their funeral home without disposition, and 948 still missing with no answers as to where their loved ones are or how their bodies were handled. 30+ Apollo Funeral and Cremation victims whose cremated remains were never returned to their families and 1 woman left unattended for 18 months in the back of a hearse. 1000s more...
Colorado is currently the only state in the country that does not regulate mortuaries and crematories. There has been recent legislation to change that, but it will be a slow process. With this memorial, we will create a permanent monument to our victims and reminder to our communities as to why we're still fighting.

We can't do this alone!

Join us in making our Memorial Project a success! - Plug into the project - Share our stories - Donate to our fundraisers - Tell your friends!


The objective is to provide a central location to honor and celebrate those victims so that they will be remembered and never forgotten. it is the intent to help families bring closure to their pain and sorrow. By bringing awareness of what has happened, we hope this memorial will stand to prevent such a catastrophe from occurring in the future.

The project will call for a significant amount of money as well as completion of various tasks. It will take a village to make this happen. Before we can move to the next steps, we need to know that we have enough support to see it succeed.
Family Commitments

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Project Happenings



Curious Case of the Funeral Home of Horrors

Location: Investigation Discovery

Join us in watching the premier of our episode on Investigation Discovery. "Jon and Carie Hallford's "Return to Nature" promises eco-friendly care but instead leaves bodies decomposing in filth and...

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Our Potential Location

Elbert County CO

Support 24/7

(719) 470-0740

Honoring the victims of Colorado's death industry. 



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