Welcome to Colorado Remembers! We are so glad to have you here.
Thank you for joining us in support. We know that some of this is difficult to understand if you haven't been personally impacted. This makes it that much more meaningful to have you join us in our efforts. We are honored to have you stand with us, and commit to fighting to ensure that your loved ones don't have to endure a tragedy such as this.
Because this Memorial Park project is such a huge endeavor, it is important for us to gauge interest and commitment. Please indicate your desired level involvement below.
Please note that your contact information on this form will be kept confidential and not shared. The Statement will only list your city and state. Email, phone number and address will only be used to correspond directly with you and only from Colorado Remembers team.
Please share how this Memorial will impact our community and support the families healing from these crimes.
Thank you again for coming alongside our victim families and community members to help make this Memorial Park project happen.
Please type your name as you wish it to appear on the Statement of Support.
Input is required

Please reach out to us at any time if you would like more information on the Project.

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Our Potential Location

Elbert County CO

Support 24/7

(719) 470-0740

Honoring the victims of Colorado's death industry. 



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