Community Supporter
Alex DeJoy
I think this Memorial is so important for honoring the victims and allowing the space for the families and the community to grieve, process, and support each other. I’m an artist and I’m reaching out about an idea I have for an art piece for the state memorial. <br />
My idea involves having each person’s loved ones select a paint swatch (paint samples from Home Depot, Lowe’s, Walmart, etc) in their loved ones favorite color or a color that reminds them of/represents them. On the blank side they could write their loved one’s name, and anything else they want to draw/write. The color side would not be written on. I would collect all the swatches and assemble them into a large piece that would hang and be seen from both sides. If it were hanging at the memorial, people would be able to walk around it and on one side see names and worlds for the victims, and on the other side see a display of color representing all of the beautiful souls being honored. <br />
Just an idea! Let me know what you think, and if you have any other ideas for ways to visually honor and memorialize the victims.
Standing in Support
in Fort Collins, Colorado
Standing in Support
in Fort Collins, Colorado